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viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019


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Cognition & Focus Enhancing Nootropic
Precio recomendado: 39,99 €

Get your head in the game!
Outbreak TRANSMIT™ is the hardcore focus and cognition boosting nootropic you need to survive another day in this post-apocalyptic world. What does it do? TRANSMIT™ works by using studied and proven ingredients and extracts that boost focus, provide energy, increase cognition, and amplify memory to make you the most powerful and precise version of yourself possible.
TRANSMIT™ can be used by anyone that requires laser focus, faster reflexes, increased concentration, amplified cognition, and both short and long term memory. The combination of energy boosters make it far more effective than the old world energy drinks with zero calories and no crash afterwards. The initial focus boost will be felt within 20 minutes. However, TRANSMIT™ should be used consistently for at least 30 days for the longer term benefits to be fully appreciated.
Why. Outbreak designed Transmit to be used any time during the day to increase mental performance and energy. Containing bacopa monneiri, caffeine and phosphatidylserine, this supplement packs a punch – a punch of focus to the brain. If you need focus, clarity and energy, then Transmit if the product that you should have in your supplement stack.
When. Use daily for 30 days for long lasting increased concentration, enhanced cognition and amplified memory stores. Effects can be noticed within 20 minutes of consuming. Consume in the morning or just before you need focus for a heavy workload
Who. This supplement would be great for gamers who need fast reflexes and focus, for people who need a little extra help to get their work or writing done, or even for lifters to give you a jolt of energy before training. Students, gamers, athletes, business people – basically anyone that needs a mental edge.
Everyone needs focus and extreme focus at times. If you need a sudden burst of energy to study well, to focus on your workout, business plan or your gaming session, Transmit provides a long steady release of energy and nootropic solutions to keep that brain active.

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