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domingo, 4 de agosto de 2019


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NTEL Nutra Alphazine is a non-hormonal natural muscle builder which has been shown to promote muscle growth and repair via multiple pathways within the body. Laxogenin promotes muscle protein synthesis and increases nitrogen retention while 7-methoxy-isoflavone has been shown to decrease the levels of cortisol, and also increase muscle protein synthesis for a better recovery rate.
Alphazine is best used during bulking phases where excess calorie consumption provides the necessary environment for optimal growth of muscle tissue. It can also be used during cutting diets to inhibit muscle breakdown where the calorie restriction forces the body to break down muscle tissue into amino acids as an energy source.
Being a non-hormonal natural muscle builder, Alphazine does not affect hormones such as testosterone and estrogen and thus making it suitable for both men and women looking to build lean muscle, increase strength and improve overall physical performance.

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